Hating On The Internet

I just feel like ranting to you guys about something that has been really bothering me recently and that is hating/bullying on the internet. To begin with, this topic didn’t really affect me as I wasn’t as well known and used to the internet and dangers as I am now. At only 13, I know I’m not the expert, but I have experienced hate on the internet first hand and seen it happen before.

I find most of the sneer comments to be on Instagram from people hiding behind there phone or laptop screens thinking nothing of the consequences of their comments. Things as simple as saying ‘you’re stupid’ can escalate into something far worse than you could expect. I don’t see why people have the nerve to comment horrible things thinking they will get away with it. These ‘haters’ are probably the ones experiencing some sort of trouble at home so it’s important to not come down like a tonne of bricks if they make a rude or self-centered comment. Yes, you should report and block them no matter if they go to your school or if you have no clue who they are but be careful what you reply with because you could comment things back just as bad in a moment of anger. Always keep your profiles private if you feel that you will get easily offended by rude people on the internet (there’s plenty of people happy to bring others happiness down with them). I know all my profiles are open for the whole world to see like my YouTube channel, this blog and Instagram but I am prepared for nasty comments to be made and my parents have reassured me to speak to them if any hint of horrible behavior starts.

An example of nastiness that has happened to be would be when I simply posted a selfie on Instagram and some random account (privatized) who I had never seen in my life decided to write a comment saying ‘you’re an ugly bitch’. I’m a vulnerable young girl who does have a low self esteem so it was easy to break me. It slowly escalated to some worse comments which I don’t want to mention. Fortunately, their account was taken down after both many of my friends and I reported them for inappropriate comments. However, it doesn’t always go that way. There are many people who can be suicidal and you would never know by looking at their account that they have a tough background – a simple comment which could offend them deeply could cost a life.

So please, be careful on this big, deep and scary place called the Internet. It brings happiness in many ways but deep down, there are countless amounts of dangerous traps you could fall into. People who you don’t even know commenting hurtful things about you shouldn’t affect you – in fact don’t let it get to you; they don’t even know who you are so why should you care? They are just a spiteful kid in their room needing to pass on their sadness and make someone else feel their pain too so why don’t you even ask the if they would like a helping hand in feeling happier?

Sorry this blog was sort of depressing; I’ll make sure next week’s blog is fun and exciting for you all!

Maddie x

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